This is core S/W of the access control + work time record management system, which sends and manages the information of incoming and outgoing people, system and operation. This S/W also receives the access result of incoming and outgoing people and displays it on the screen on real time.
A user can control the main screen configuration, since the system configuration and current entrance door¡¯s state can be easily identified, with showing the access control units and entrance doors as a tree structure.
The access event and input event are possible in one screen, and individual photos are displayed, and thus distinguishment is easy in the case of access event monitoring. With simple manipulation, various information change and entrance door¡¯s remote control are possible. Various types of operations are possible, since the use right of the operator can be restricted.
Using the access event, various types of reports in relation to work time record management data are provided. A variety of information by using various searches, inquiries and printing functions is provided.
Tool tip (Help) is attached in every execution button in each menu, and thus the use of this S/W is convenient.